CBG pollen hash – know the differences between CBG & CBD

 As an expert user of CBD products, do you have any idea about CBG? If you are planning to buy CBG pollen hash or other CBG product why don’t you gather some knowledge about it? It is good to know about the product in detail, like what is the product, what are the components exists in the product? How to use the product? And all. 

So before wasting another word, let’s start the CBG expedition and know how it is different from the CBD product!

What is CBG?
So, from decades we know about CBD products and its potential products and now another substance has received more attention and that is CBG. 

CBG or properly known as cannabigerol is also popular is for its potential pharmacological properties. Although it has not been in any clinical trials yet! Cannabigerol or CBG is the forerunner and correspondingly the first cannabinoid that is created in the plant and which later is used to harvest CBD, CBC, and THC. Basically, CBG is the stem cell.

•    What is the difference between CBG and CBD?
As stated in this previous part of this article, CBG helps make CBD, so both of them is cannabinoids, but they are the different compounds within the cannabis plant. However, they are used in different purposes and may able to give treatments in different ailments, despite some potential pharmacological overlap. 

Both CBG and CBD are currently considered non-psychotropic which means they won't alter your state of mind in a way that would inhibit your day-to-day function and mental clarity. However, they can change your mind in a way that could wiped-out anxiety and depression. So maybe a better description of this would be "non-intoxicating"-it won't get you high in the way THC can.

This means if you consume cannabis that has a high concentration of CBD and CBG such as CBG -pollen hash or other products, you could possibly counterpoise the "high" or intoxications. There is CBG obviously found in the cannabis which you're already consuming, but likely not in a large enough quantity to make any difference.

According to doctors and experts, CBG may also help to increase your appetite. CBG can make you feel hungrier, which is not the school of thought with CBD (as far as we know, which inhibits appetite and may lead to weight loss.

Buy good quality CBG pollen hash
If you are looking for good quality CBG pollen hash, you can contact with Hempcooltura LTD. They are selling good quality prostate in many ways. Visit them thecbdcooltura.com to know more about their products.
